2023 “Lost Ark Distillery” Tour

For detail see the Chesapeake Chemist October Issue No.7 p.11 Photos courtesy of B. Salazar and K. Elkins
2022 “CHARMERY” Ice cream Social
The ACS ice cream tour included:
- getting to walk through -18 degree freezer, learning about the business and the process of making ice cream. a
- tasting
- Contact: Michele Foss foss.michele@gmail.com Louise Hellwig louise.hellwig@morgan.edu

2020 MISCellaneous Distillery Tour

When: February 22, 2020, 1 pm
Where: MISCellaneous Distillery
114 S Main St, B103
Mount Airy, MD 21771
Cost: FREE ($5 donation will be accepted for charity)
RSVP: foss.michele@gmail.com
The tour includes the background of the distillery, followed by a tasting (4 spirits per person, per tasting). For the folks that would not want to taste straight spirits, they offer a DIY cocktail for $9; you get (2) 7oz glasses of spirit, 1 mini bottle of mixer and 1 mini bottle of seltzer water. There is an “order down” menu from Laurienzo’s Brick Oven Cafe upstairs so you can enjoy their delicious food while having sample cocktails in the tasting room.