The Maryland Chemist Award was established in 1962 to recognize and to honor, each year, a member of the Maryland Section for outstanding achievement in the fields of chemistry. The achievement, as originally stated, may be in pure or applied chemistry, chemical engineering, or chemical education.

As stated in the Maryland Section’s Bylaw VIII:

Recipients of the Maryland Chemist Award must have been members of the section for a minimum of five years and have made outstanding contributions to chemistry as defined in the Constitution of the Society (chemistry is defined in broad terms). The work on which the award is based should have been performed in Maryland.”

Nominations Solicited:

The Maryland Chemist Award Committee is inviting nominations for the Maryland Chemist of the Year Award. Please submit the following nomination materials:

Letter including a short statement describing the outstanding contributions of the nominee to scientific research, education, industry, technology, etc. The letter should be signed by the nominator(s) and written in the institution letter head preferably. Resume of the nominee including his/her list of publications. Send all the documentation to the Award Committee Chair at email:

Deadline: September 30th of current year.

Opportunity: Interested in becoming part of this committee, please contact Committee Chair at 443-801-0582 or

Previous Recipients of the Maryland Chemist Award:

2024 Dean Sarah L. J. Michel, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy 

2023 Dr. David P. Goldberg, Johns Hopkins University

2022 Dr. Cheng Gong, University of Maryland

2021 Takashi Tsukamoto, Johns Hopkins University

2020 David R. Yarkony, Johns Hopkins University

2019 Andrew Coop, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy

2018 Jared DeCoste, US Army Research Development and Engineering

Command, Edgewood Chemical Biological Center

2017 Thomas Lectka, Johns Hopkins University

2016 Katherine Seley-Radtke, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

2015 Jason Dworkin, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

2014 Angela Wilkes, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy

2013 Paul Mahaffy, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

2012 Shirish Shah (Service Award for his contribution to the MD ACS Section)

2011 Kenneth Karlin, Johns Hopkins University

2010 Gerald M. Rosen, University of Maryland

2004 Michael Summers, University of Maryland Baltimore County

2001 Raymond A. Mackay, Johns Hopkins University

2000 Haleem J. Issaq

1999 Marc D. Donohue

1998 Joel F. Liebman

1997 WuCheng Cheng

1996 Shekar Munavalli

1995 Richard H. Smith, Jr.

1994 Yale H. Caplan

1993 Ernest F. Silversmith

1992 Craig A. Townsend

1991 Cecil H. Robinson

1990 Alex Nickon

1989 Catherine Clarke Fenselau

1988 Edward J. Poziomek

1987 Gary H. Posner

1986 David F. Roswell

1985 John Lambooy

1984 Nicolas Zenker

1983 Shih-Yi Wang

1982 Joseph L. Katz

1981 Paul O. P. Ts’o

1980 M. Gali Sanchez

1979 Emil H. White

1978 Gunther L. Eichhorn

1977 Henry C. Freimuth

1976 Richard L. Hall

1975 Benjamin Witten